Tumor metastasis with a 'Twist:' Protein is key to early embryonic development, but also promotes spread of cancer.

Tumor metastasis with a 'Twist:' Protein is key to early embryonic development, but also promotes spread of cancer.

When cancer spreads to other parts of the body from an initial site, the cells have to crawl over/past their neighbors and cut a path through the fibrous proteins surrounding them.  To accomplish this, the cells form extensions called invadopodia (from invasion and foot).

Researchers have identified a protein, Twist, that plays an important role in the development of invadopodia.  Twist was already known to be abe to change the behavior of cells and has normal roles in early development.  This new capability is a critical step in tumor progresson and could be a possible target for treatments.

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Wikimedia Commons http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Fusilli_pasta.jpg