
Stem cells are capable of changing into different types of adult cells and are being studied for their potential use in the treatment of diseases.  Research performed in Israel and the U.S. raises warning flags about the use of transplanted stem cells in humans.  The researchers examined 66 human… more
Examination of tissue samples from 117 cases of bladder cancer identified DNA from the human papillomavirus (HPV) was in 15% of the samples.  The cases associated with HPV tended to be at earlier stages and were found in patients diagnosed with cancer at a younger age.  The results strongly suggest… more
In a sophisticated set of experiments, researchers from Indiana and the National Cancer Institute have demonstrated that a particular type of immune cell (CD4 T cells) are capable of guiding the elimination of melanoma implanted into mice.  The system is special for several reasons.  First, the… more
A five year study of 8556 post-menopausal women (aged 59-80) showed that women taking 0.5 mg lasofoxifene, an estrogen receptor modulator, had a reduced risk of developing breast cancer.  This dose of the drug reduced the risk of breast cancer by 79%.  The women chosen for the study also had low… more
Sequencing of DNA from 281 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients has identified a single gene that is associated with a worse prognosis.  The gene, DNMT3A, encodes a DNA methyltransferase, an enzyme that modifies DNA.  Patients with mutations in DNMT3A had a median survival of 12.3 months vs 41.1… more
Results presented at an American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) conference showed that 90% of children living in households with smokers had detectable levels of tobacco-associated cancer-causing agents in their urine.  Ninety-five percent of the children had detectable levels of cotinine, a… more
Prostate cancer that no longer responds to inhibitors of androgens, called 'castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC)', tends to be more aggressive.  Comparison of the DNA of prostate cancers lead to the identification of a protein, N-cadherin, that is present at high levels in many of these… more
Researchers at Yorkshire Cancer Research have developed a novel method of detecting small cancer growths.  The researchers use viruses to deliver a fluorescent jellyfish protein to the cancer cells.  The cells then glow red when exposed to a specific type of light.  The technique allows for the… more
Tumors are complex mixtures of normal (stromal) cells and cancer cells. Researchers using mouse models have shown that stromal cells can block immune function.  The stromal cells were found to produce a protein, fibrobast activation protein-alpha (FAP), that inhibits the immune system.  When the… more
Researchers from an international team have succeeded in keeping surgically removed prostate tissues, both normal and cancerous, alive and functional.  The new technique allows researchers to study cancer in a new way.  The cancer cells are still in their natural 'home'.  The new model could have… more
Freeze dried black raspberries were shown to reduce colon cancer development in two different types of mice.  Each of the mouse types is susceptible to developing colon cancer, but for different reasons.  Each mouse strain is defective in a different way but the raspberry fed mice had changes in… more
MIT researchers have shown that medicinal plants can be made to make new,  novel drugs.  The scientists introduced bacterial genes into a plant that naturally produces the a chemical (vinblastine) that is used to treat some forms of cancer.  The new genes gave the plants the ability to produce… more
November is lung cancer awareness about and now lung cancer clinicians and others have something to celebrate. Despite the fact that lung cancer kills more people in the U.S. than breast, colorectal, pancreatic and prostate cancers combined, lung cancer screening options are limited. The results… more
One of the keys to the success of cancer surgery is the removal of every cancer cell. Currently, the success of surgeries requires examination of the removed tissue. A new pen-like instrument may be able to help cancer surgeons make sure they succeed as they are operating.  Tumors are labeled with… more
Our  immune system is constantly on the lookout for cells that are not acting normally.  Changes can occur due to infection with a virus or the conversion of a normal cell to a cancer cell.  Abnormal cells are killed by having holes 'punched' in their membranes.  The proteins that perform this… more
Researchers at Wake Forest University have grown the first human liver in their laboratories.  The researchers started with animal livers and stripped away all the cells, leaving behind only the framework of the organ.  They then added human liver and blood vessel cells.  The small number of human… more
A study conducted by the Japanese Public Health Center looked at the risk of breast cancer in ~54,000 women followed for 13.6 yrs.  They found no protective effects in women who consumed green tea.  Other researchers point out that the results hightlight the difficulties of performing population… more
Liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinomaor HCC) is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths each year.  Even with the advent of targeted drugs like sorafenib, most patients with HCC do not have a viable treatment option. One possible target for treatments are changes in the genome that are… more
A study of 773 young colon cancer patients and 1660 healthy individuals showed that those people whose chromosomes were unusually long or short were more likely to develop colon cancer.  Specifically, the researchers looked at the very tips of the chromosomes, areas called telomeres.  Telomeres act… more
A European study of over 400,000 people found that consuming a wide variety of fruits and vegetables was associated with a decrease risk of lung cancer in active smokers.  After an average follow-up of 8.7 years, those indiviuals with a diet including a diversity of fruits and vegetables had a… more